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Cigar Blogs

Most Frequently Asked Cigar Questions in 2024

Most Frequently Asked Cigar Questions in 2024

To most of us cigars are more than just a pastime—they're an art form, a culture, and a journey. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or just starting, understanding the intricacies of cigars can elevate your experience. We’re dedicated to providing cigar lovers with the knowledge they need to e...
Cigar Reviews: How We Score!

Cigar Reviews: How We Score!

The time has come! Here at Unicorn Hunters Club, we're driven by a passion for curating premium cigar experiences for our members and all cigar aficionados. We believe in unlocking the unique character and nuances of each cigar, and that's why we are going to offer comprehensive cigar reviews to...
Mold vs Plume

Mold vs Plume

The cigar... A symbol of relaxation, sophistication, and, of course, a good puff. But for even the most seasoned aficionado, a white dusting on your prized stogie can send shivers down the spine. Is it mold, that dreaded enemy of all things enjoyable, or plume, the harmless byproduct of aging? F...
Cigar Myths

Cigar Myths

Debunking Common Cigar Myths Cigars…. Ahhh those rolled-up leaves of mystery and pleasure, shrouded in lore and tradition. But with all that smoke comes a haze of misconceptions and myths that can make even seasoned aficionados scratch their heads. Fear not, fellow cigar enthusiasts, for today I...
Cuban Cigar Mystique

Cuban Cigar Mystique

The Allure of Cuban Cigars: Why They Remain Elusive in the US Cuban cigars…. the very name conjures up images of smoky Havana lounges, revolutionary world leaders with cigars in hand, and an unparalleled reputation for quality. Yet, for those of us residing in the United States, the Cuban cigar h...
Understanding Cigar Strength

Understanding Cigar Strength

  The Art and Craft Behind Cigar Strength: From Leaf to Smoke Cigar aficionados often debate the nuances of their favorite sticks, but one topic consistently emerges: the strength of a cigar. Strength isn’t merely about nicotine content; it’s a symphony of factors harmonizing to deliver an unpara...
August Blog

August Blog

Celebrating the Art of Craftsmanship: August's Pack Getting back to our regular Blog content. I apologize for the past couple of months, I know you guys have missed these! With that said, August arrives with a treasure of remarkable cigars that embody passion, dedication, and mastery over the art...
The Art of Cigar Pairings

The Art of Cigar Pairings

Have you ever sipped a delightful drink while enjoying a fine cigar and noticed that they seemed to enhance each other’s flavors? Congratulations, you've stumbled upon the exquisite world of cigar pairings. The concept is simple: combine two separate elements to create a unique, harmonious taste ...
The Art of Cigar Aging

The Art of Cigar Aging

A Journey of Flavor and Aroma. The aging process of cigars is an incredible journey that can take anywhere from a few months to several years. The results are often astounding, transforming the flavors and aromas of a cigar in a manner akin to the way wine evolves over time. In this blog post,...


Hey there, fellow hunters! We're thrilled to present this month's selection, carefully curated to provide you with outstanding value and variety. From affordable-humidor-stocking options to a new release, and even a cigar with nearly a year of age on it, we've covered all bases. We hope you enjoy...
April Blog

April Blog

Alright Hunters, get ready for an extraordinary experience this month! Although we sent out 4 cigars instead of the usual 5, we're packing a punch that'll leave you absolutely thrilled. You're about to embark on a flavor adventure like no other, as we're including a stunning, recently released ci...